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Friday 11 November 2016

Forgotten Realms Demon Stone Game

Forgotten Realms Demon Stone Game

Review: Forgotten Realms Demon Stone - multi-platform video game developed by Stormfront Studios and published by Atari.  The release took place in 2004.  During the game scenario replied Robert Salvatore.  On the territory of the Russian license version is distributed by Akella 1 with the original English voice acting and Russian subtitles.
Robert Salvatore was born in Leominster Massachusetts.  During his time in college he became interested in literature especially the fantasy after reading "The Lord of the Rings" J. R. R. Tolkien.  He

In 1982 he started writing more seriously wrote a paper entitled "Echoes of the Fourth Magic."  At present he is already the author of nearly fifty books published with a circulation of more than 3 million copies.  The action of a large part of the novels of Robert happening in the gaming universe "Forgotten Realms" and the most popular TV series of the author - undoubtedly adventure dark elf drow Drizzt Do'Urden (there is also a translation name - Drizzt) which is the antithesis of a typical representative of his people who  fights for what he thinks is right.  Name Salvatore has become so inseparable from the race drow that even got to cover hexalogy "War of the Spider Queen" written by other authors.  In addition the writer invested in mezhavtorskuyu book series "Star Wars" (the novel "Vector-prime" and the second episode novelization) and wrote a book about Tarzan.

Copyright cycles Salvatore belongs to the genre of epic or heroic fantasy.  The most famous trilogy "Dragon Slayer" and "The Scarlet Shadow" as well as a cycle of seven novels "War of the demons." In addition to his novels Salvatore wrote the story for the «Demon Stone» (2004) the computer game.
Bob is married and his wife Diane children Brian Gino and Caitlin.  Bob also had an older brother Harry Salvatore who died in 2000 from cancer.  All his relatives Salvatore often dedicates the book.  The Salvatore family live three dogs and four cats bearing the names after the characters of his books Artemis Ivan Guenhwyvar and others.graduated from the University with a Bachelor of Science in Communications and later received a Bachelor of Arts in English.
Forgotten Realms Demon Stone Game

Forgotten Realms Demon Stone Game

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