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Friday 25 November 2016

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game

Review: Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game is a computer game which is a prequel to the game Wolfenstein The New Order.  The digital version of the game came out May 5 2015.

Due to the inventions of General Wilhelm Strasse "Skulls" Nazis win the war.  US troops want to know where there is a complex skull to deliver a crushing blow.  Is in a certain folder Helga Von Shabbs.  Captain Blazhkovich have to pick up her folder and destroy her plans namely the resurrection of the monster.

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game Overview:

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game a series of computer games dedicated to World War II.  Wolfenstein series is one of the most long-lived series of computer games the first game Wolfenstein Castle then came out in 1981 the last - Wolfenstein The Old Blood - in 2015. The game Wolfenstein 3D in 1992 one of the first games in the genre of first-person shooter  considered the progenitor of the genre.  The plot of the majority Wolfenstein series of games dedicated to the exploits of the fictional protagonist - an American soldier William "Bee-Jay" Blazhkovicha - in the German rear where it operates either as a prisoner of the Third Reich fleeing from the Nazi executioners or as an agent on a special mission.  In most games featured Volfenshtajn Castle (German Wolfenstein -. «Wolf's Stone").  Games include a series of alternative-historical and fantasy elements freely interpreting the history of the Second World War referring to the Nazi occult themes and fantastic technology-vundervaffe.
The first generation was launched in 1981 with the game «Castle Wolfenstein» developed and published by «Muse Software».  It was a genre of stealth action with the first game was the founder of the genre.  In it the main character was a nameless soldier British allies whose task was to steal all the plans of the Nazis and escaped from the fortress Volfenshtajn.  In this case the hero on his way across the Nazis which the player can kill why had the gun with ten bullets and grenades.  Curiously on the cover depicts a spy with a rifle Lee-Enfield in 1904 but in the game it is not used;  however it allows you to identify it as an Englishman.  Drawing was presented as a 2D plan view.  The idea turned out to be true and in 1985 the same company has published «Beyond Castle Wolfenstein».  It grenades were replaced by a knife and the Germans could now not to attack when it detects the player - now they can ask the pass which was five types in the game.  The plot is based on real events - the conspiracy of the twentieth of July and the player had to put a bomb in the Fuhrer's office and leave.
 Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Game

Wolfenstein The Old Blood Game

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